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What to Bring and What Not to Bring

每个房间都配有床和床垫(特长单床), a desk, a chair, bookshelves, a closet or wardrobe, a chest of drawers, and window drapes for each student.

学生通常会带以下物品到校园:衣服, bedding, toiletries, school supplies, dishes and other cookware, room decorations, additional storage containers.

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Clark University is located in Worcester, Mass., the heart of Massachusetts and New England. 在伍斯特意味着天气有时是不可预测的. However, 我们的夏天通常又热又潮湿,一直持续到九月, 我们的瀑布相当温和(虽然有时是湿的), winters are cold and often snowy or icy, and spring is those three combined!

There is no need to bring everything from home with you to college. 当你到达博彩平台推荐时,建议你购买许多便利设施. Cosmetic items such as shampoo, soap, or lotion can be found at nearby drug stores, and school supplies can be purchased at the Campus Store, as well as at local stores.

If you are traveling a long distance, 你可能会发现,一旦你到了城里,或者在网上购买物品,为你的房间购买床上用品和其他物品会更容易. 这不仅减轻了入住当天入住时的负担, 也让你有机会看看亚洲体育博彩平台周围的地区. Many places are within walking distance; if not, 你可以乘坐亚洲体育博彩平台班车或伍斯特公交系统.

亚洲体育博彩平台致力于学生的幸福和安全. Therefore, 为保护居住人口,制定了某些健康和安全条例.

一份全面的违禁物品清单可在 Student Guide.

Below is a sample of the items not permitted on the Clark campus:

  • Air conditioners
  • 延长线或多个适配器(宿舍内只允许使用带电涌保护器的延长线)
  • Candles
  • Incense
  • Microwaves (unless it is part of a rented microfridge combination unit)
  • Refrigerators over 5.0 cubic feet (only one small refrigerator or microfridge per room)
  • Toasters/toaster ovens
  • Pets (except fish are OK)
  • Hot pots and electric frying pans
  • Space heaters
  • Mattresses (foam or pillow toppers are fine)
  • Fireworks
  • Oil lamps
  • Halogen lamps
  • Traffic signs
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Lava lamps

如果你从很远的地方来参加博彩平台推荐,你可能想要运送一些你的物品. 您可以在以下地址发送包裹给自己(校园收发室将保存您的邮件,直到您到达):

[Your Name]
Campus Box [your mailbox number]
950 Main St.
Worcester, MA 01610

最常见的货物是电脑、书籍和衣服. Be sure that what you ship is not something you need immediately when you arrive on campus; your mailed items may not arrive at the same time as you do. 你可以在希金斯大学中心地下室的校园收发室领取大包裹.


On-Campus Laundry Rooms

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如果你在学校的洗衣机或烘干机有问题, 我们鼓励Clarkies直接向我们的供应商报告问题, Automatic Laundry.

Report a Laundry Machine Issue

Service Partners

Residential Life and Housing 是否致力于为住宿学生提供家的舒适和便利. To augment the many social, study, and recreational facilities on campus, 我们还与知名和受人尊敬的高等教育供应商合作,为学生提供购买和租赁他们可能想要的物品的选择, but may not want to bring.


博彩平台推荐与Collegeboxes有独家合作关系,因此学生可以在搬进来之前从家里寄来箱子和行李. Collegeboxes接收并暂时存放你的物品,当你到达校园时,这些物品将被送到博彩平台推荐. 搬出去的时候,你有没有从亚洲体育博彩平台那里拿起你的东西,准备在夏天储存起来,或者运到任何地方, worldwide. 当你回来时,储存的物品会被送回亚洲体育博彩平台.

Have questions or concerns? 你可以直接发短信给Collegeboxes的支持人员,电话是781-428-4262.

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多亏了Collegiate Concepts,让你更容易适应新家!  通过Collegiate Concepts租赁您自己的微型冰箱,我们会在您到达校园之前将其送到您的房间. 这种由丹比设计的微型冰箱已被博彩平台推荐批准用于所有住宅社区. Microfridges are combination microwave/fridge units; they are the only microwaves permitted in the residence halls. 它有一个真正的零度冰箱,只有一个插头到墙上,以节省出口空间. 详细信息将在年底发出,以便方便取货, 您只需要清洗一下,把它放在您的房间里,剩下的我们来做. 没有必要买一个迷你冰箱,并在一年结束后挣扎着为它找一个家, we’ve got you covered!

对于2023年秋季,该公司的优先订单截止日期是2023年8月1日星期一. 在8月1日之后,他们仍将接受订单,但要在8月1日之前下单, 2023保证单元在您的学生入住日在您的房间.

Rent a microfridge



  • 如果我的冰箱需要维修和/或我遇到问题,我怎么联系别人?

在Collegiate Concepts网站上提出服务请求. 页面顶部有一个链接,上面写着Submit a Service Request

  • 我刚在换房间的过程中换了房间——我怎么能找人帮忙把冰箱搬到我的新房间呢? 

在Collegiate Concepts网站上提出服务请求. 页面顶部有一个链接,上面写着Submit a Service Request

  • 如果我想把我租来的冰箱转让给另一个学生怎么办?

 Start the transfer process by filling out this form.

  • What if I want to cancel my fridge rental ?

Please email the sales team at:  

As noted in our housing contract, 博彩平台推荐对学生个人财产的损坏或损失不承担任何责任. 例如,盗窃、火灾、烟雾、水损坏或故意破坏造成的损失. That is why we have partnered with GradGuard, 提供专为学生设计的独家大学租房保险计划.

Visit GradGuard

Contact Information

Residential Life and Housing

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